Ayurveda is science of life, its essentials and hazards. Although treatment of disease is important part of Ayurvedic science; Nidana i.e., definite diagnosis of disease along with its causative factors and pathophysiology holds important place for appropriate line of treatment. Previously, Acharyas have mentioned various tools for this purpose like Nidan Panchaka and Pariksha Vigyana and are seen persisting significance in advance Ayurveda. However, some advance techniques developed, such as Radiological imaging and Hi-tech Laboratorial investigations can be used. They not only can complement traditional techniques but also can help clinician to reach a further mile in diagnosis, especially in diseases like Anukta vyadhi or Gudha-linga Vyadhi. This paper tries to enlighten those advance researches as a radical evolution in field of Rognidana and Vikriti vigyana and its use for Ayurveda clinicians in day-to-day life. |