In Ayurveda, Ahara is considered as one among Trayo-upasthamba which supports Deha, where Ahara is mentioned in the beginning which signifies the importance of Ahara. The conversion of heterogenous Panchabautika Ahara to homogenous components takes place by the process of digestion with the help of Agni. . Any changes in these stages lead to the formation of diseases.The process of digestion takes place in various stages and during every stage, there are changes in the composition of Ahara dravyas under the influence of the Jathragni which participate & regulate the course of digestion, These changes refer the Avasthapaka which takes place in 3 stages, namely Madhura Avasthapaka, Amla Avasthapaka, and Katu Avasthapaka further lead to the formation and balancing of Kapha Dosha,Pitta Dosha and Vata Dosha respectively.
Keywords : Dosha, Avasthapaka, Ahara, Rasa, Agni